Printable Code of Conduct


Adopted by the RSU #22 Board of Directors September 3, 2003; updated May, 2014 The Code of Conduct document can be viewed at


The RSU #22 Board of Directors is committed to maintaining a supportive and orderly school environment in which students may receive and staff may deliver quality education without disruption or interference and in which students may grow as ethical, responsible, and involved citizens. To achieve this goal, RSU #22 has established a set of expectations for student conduct.  These expectations are based on the values identified by the educational and public communities as essential to ethical and responsible behavior.

Respectful Honest/Ethical Responsible Compassionate/Empathic 1

The Board believes that each member of the school community should take responsibility for his/her own behavior.  To that end, the board recognizes the need to define unacceptable student conduct, identify the possible consequences for unacceptable conduct, and ensure that discipline is administered fairly, promptly, and appropriately. Having considered the input of administrators, parents, students and the community, the Board of Directors adopts this Student Code of Conduct (“Code”), consistent with the requirements of 20-A MRSA § 1001 (15) (adoption of Student Code of Conduct). The Code applies to students who are on school property, who are in attendance at school or at any school-sponsored activity, or whose conduct at any time or place directly interferes with the operations, discipline, or general welfare of the school. 2 1 These are the core values (standards) derived from the values identification process previously engaged in by the board with the participation of educators, parents, students, and community  members, consistent with 20-A MRSA § 1001 (15).  If the core values identified through the process were identical to those arrived at by the Commission and stated in its report,  this sentence would be:  “These expectations are based on the values (or standards or principles) of respect, honesty, compassion, fairness, responsibility, and courage.”  The statute states that the code of conduct must be “consistent” with the statewide standards for student behavior.  The core values/standards expressed in the school unit’s code of conduct do not need to be identical to those shown in the Report; the emphasis is on use of a participatory process to identify the core values that will serve as the foundation for behavioral expectations. 2 The purpose of this provision is not to authorize administrators to take disciplinary action whenever they wish for any unacceptable conduct which occurs off school grounds but to give notice to students about the possible consequences of such conduct and to give administrators the authority to assess the impact of this conduct on the larger school community.  This assessment will assist in determining whether disciplinary sanctions are appropriate and, if so, what they should be.

Standards for Ethical and Responsible Behavior:

Our Values in Action

In order to produce direction for the mission of RSU #22, staff and students are expected to demonstrate behavior consistent with the school community’s values.  The melding of our mission and this district code of conduct is fundamental to a supportive, safe, and orderly school environment in which students can learn and grow.

A person who is respectful:


  • listen to others
  • act politely and treat others the way one would like to be treated
  • honor others/self and their property
  • act in a kind manner and accept others’ differences
  • use positive language/tone of voice

Does Not:

  • ignore others’ needs
  • disrupt/interrupt
  • hurt others through language or action
  • vandalize

A person who is honest/ethical:


  • tell the truth
  • take responsibility for their actions
  • obey the law and follow the rules
  • keep secrets/promises

Does Not:

  • lie/deceive others by omission
  • steal
  • cheat
  • blame others for one’s actions

A person who is responsible:


  • exhibit dependability/reliability
  • take charge of own actions
  • follow through on promises
  • meet professional and personal obligations
  • take care of own property
  • display a strong work ethic

Does Not:

  • blame others
  • abandon obligations
  • make excuses or need constant reminders

A person who is compassionate/empathic:


  • Care for others
  • Demonstrate concern for others
  • Help others/act generously
  • Show sensitivity to others convictions and needs

Does Not

  • Judge others
  • Ignore/make fun of others
  • Take advantage of others
  • Tease/call names

A Multi-Level Approach:  Range of Consequences

Behavior-Related Offenses and Consequences The following range of consequences should apply in most circumstances.  In unusual or extreme cases, this range may not be appropriate.  For cases involving absence, truancy, class cutting, tardiness to school or to class, the intention is not to remove the student from the school or the classroom setting except in extreme circumstances.  All attendance-related offenses must be addressed in accordance with the Board’s attendance policy.
Range I
Staff/Administrative Response
  • Verbal reprimand
  • Time-out or out of classroom
  • Loss of privileges
  • Teacher/administrator conference with student
  • Develop a plan
  • Contact a parent
Range II
Reallocation of Student’s Time
  • Detentions
  • Campus clean-up
  • Contract
  • In-school suspension
  • Friday night detention
  • Conference with parent/guardian
  • Parent/guardian notification required
Range III
Exclusion from Normal School Activities
  • Disciplinary review by Board of Directors
  • Conference with parent/guardian
  • Restricted access
  • Removal of extra-curricular privileges
  • Long term suspension
  • Recommended for Adult Education
  • Alternative Placement
  • Parent/guardian notification required
  • Superintendent notification
Range IV
  • Disciplinary review by Boardof Directors
  • (parent/guardian notification required)
  • Superintendent notification
  • Board of Directors notification
  • Loss of credit for assignment or course may be appropriate in addition to any of the above consequences.
  • Restitution for loss or damage may be requested in addition to any of the above consequences.
  • Where appropriate, law enforcement will be involved.
(Note:  See previous page for consequences associated with each range.)

Absence – UnexcusedH, JHB, JEA Range--I to III

An absence for a day or any portion of a day, for any reason other than those cited as excused and/or failure to bring a note written by a parent/guardian to verify an excused absence

Arson/Fire | JKD, JKE Range--III to IV

Attempting to, aiding in, or setting fire to a building or other property

Bomb Threats Range--III to IV

Written, oral or electronic expression or physical act or gesture directed at a student(s) that has the effect of physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; placing a student in fear; interfering with the rights of a student; interfering with a student’s academic performance or ability to participate; or is based on a student’s actual or perceived characteristics as identified in 5 MRSA § 4602 or 4694-A

Bullying | JICK Range:  I to III

Written, oral or electronic expression or physical act or gesture directed at a student(s) that has the effect of physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; placing a student in fear; interfering with the rights of a student; interfering with a student’s academic performance or ability to participate; or is based on a student’s actual or perceived characteristics as identified in 5 MRSA § 4602 or 4694-A

Bus Misbehavior | JICC Range:  I to IV

Any violation of school system policy or bus driver rules or bus company policy occurring on a school bus

Cheating/Academic Dishonesty Range:  I to III

Copying, plagiarizing, altering records, or assisting another in such actions

Computer/Communication Misuse | IJNDB, IJNDC Range:  I to IV

Any unauthorized use of computers, software, or internet/intranet account to access the district internet/intranet, accessing inappropriate websites, misuse of a website, internet/ intranet account or internet/intranet resource

Destruction of Property/Vandalism | JQ Range:  I to IV

Damage, destruction, or defacement of property belonging to the school or others

Disruption, school Range:  I to III

Behavior that interferes with the safe and orderly environment of the school, learning or school activity

Drug/Alcohol Violation| JICH Range:  III to IV

Possession or use of (including possession with the intent to sell, give, deliver or distribute) any inhalants or other intoxicants, controlled dangerous substances including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, look-alikes, and substances represented as controlled dangerous substances, or drug paraphernalia

Extortion/Blackmail | JKD/JKE Range:  II to IV

The process of coercing or obtaining property from another, with or without that person’s consent, by wrongful use of force, fear, or threat

Failure to Serve Assigned Consequence | JKB Range:  I to III

Failure to serve detention, suspension, or other assigned consequences

False Alarms Range:  I to III

Initiating a report warning of fire or other catastrophe without valid cause, misuse of 911, or discharging a fire extinguisher

Fighting JKD/JKE Range:  I to III

A hostile confrontation with physical contact involving two or more students

Fireworks or Explosives Range:  III to IV

Possession, use, and/or threat to use firecrackers, smoke bombs, flares, combustible or explosive substances, or a combination of substances or articles

Forgery Range:  I to III

To use, make, or reproduce another’s signature for deceptive purposes

Gambling Range:  I to III

Wagering money or property without proper authorization

Hazing | JICFA Range:  II to IV

Intentional or reckless act directed against another for the purpose of initiation into, affiliating with, or maintaining membership in any school-sponsored activity, organization, club, or team

Inappropriate Dress | JICA Range:  I to III

Inappropriate clothing worn by a student as defined by Board policy.

Indecent Exposure Range:  I to IV

Exposure to sight of the private parts of the body in a lewd or indecent manner

Insubordination Range:  I to III

Refusing to follow reasonable directions of teachers, staff, and/or administration, including failure to identify self

Leaving School Grounds Without Permission Range:  I to III

Leaving school grounds during regular school hours without written or verbal permission from parent/guardian or someone listed on the emergency procedure card which is on file at the school

Physical Attack on Staff, Students or Others | JKD/JKE Range:  II to IV

Aggressive action, with physical contact, directed at any other person on school grounds or at a school-sponsored event, including a situation where a staff member is intervening in a fight or other disruptive activity

Possession of Pornographic Materials Range:  I to III

Possession of sexually explicit material on school grounds or school sponsored events

Profanity | JKD/JKE Range:  I to III

Using vulgar or abusive language, cursing, or swearing

Refusal to Obey School Rules | JKD/JKE Range:  I to III

Failure to comply with school rules, regulations, policies, and/or procedures

Sexual Activity| JKD/JKE Range:  I to IV

Behavior of a sexual nature, including consensual sexual activity

Tardiness Range:  I to III

Lateness to school or class

Theft | JKD/JKE Range:  I to III

Taking or obtaining property of another without permission or knowledge of the owner

Threat to Staff, Student or Others, Physical or Verbal Range:  II to IV

Expression, conveyed by word or action, of intent to do physical harm to a staff member at school, or school sponsored events

Tobacco Use/Possession |ADC/JICG Range:  II to III

Possession or use of any tobacco or tobacco products, including possession with the intent to sell, give, deliver, or distribute

Trespassing Range:  II to III

Unauthorized presence on school property including while on a restrictive trespass, suspension, or expulsion

Truancy JHB Range:  I to III

Ten full days of non-excused absences or seven consecutive school days of non-excused absences during a school year

Weapons Violations | JICIA Range:  II to IV

Possession of an object or implement capable of causing harm or used in such a way as to cause harm to another.  This includes all guns, including pellet and BB guns, knives, and any implement, visible or concealed, possessed under a circumstance which would reasonably lead a person to believe it was a weapon.

Board Policies Supporting Code of Conduct

  • ACA, Harassment
  • ADC/JICG, Tobacco Use and Possession
  • EBCC, Bomb Threats
  • IJNDB, Student Electronic Devices and Internet Use and Internet Safety
  • IJNDC, Acceptable Internet Use
  • JEA, Compulsory Attendance Ages
  • JHB, Truancy
  • JH, Student Absences and Excuses
  • JICA, Student Dress
  • JICC, Student Conduct on School Buses
  • JICH, Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
  • JICFA, Hazing
  • JICIA, Weapons, Violence and School Safety
  • JICK, Bullying
  • JKB, Detention of Students
  • JQ, Student Fees, Fines and Charges